Daymark WarraNty policy
ithaca BraND priNters, iNclUDiNg the ithaca 9700 FooD saFety termi-
Nal, are solD to cUstomer sUBject to traNsact techNologies iNcor-
porateD’s maNUFactUrer’s pass-throUgh WarraNty, a copy oF Which
is attacheD hereto; proViDeD, hoWeVer, the scope oF WarraNty aND
claim proceDUre shall Be ameNDeD as FolloWeD:
WarraNty perioD:
The standard warranty is one year from the date of shipment from
claim proceDUre:
To make a request or claim for service, a Return Materials Authoriza-
tion (RMA) Number must be assigned by DayMark prior to the return of the printer. Contact
the DayMark Technical Support Department at (877) 620-8878 with the model and serial
numbers of the unit needing to be repaired.
aDDitioNal coVerage:
Additional levels of warranty coverage type and term lengths
are available through DayMark. Pricing will be quoted separately.
Use of any labels in the equipment other than those supplied by
DayMark shall void the warranty.
eXcept For the WarraNties reFerreD to aBoVe, traNsact aND Daymark
Disclaim all WarraNties oF aNy kiND, either eXpress or implieD, iNclUD-
iNg, BUt Not limiteD to, all WarraNties oF merchaNtaBility aND FitNess
For a particUlar pUrpose.
the sole remeDies For Breach oF aNy aND all WarraNties aND traNs-
act's aND Daymark’s liaBility oF aNy kiND arisiNg From aNy coNtract
For sale oF aNy proDUcts or serVices shall Be limiteD to the speciFic
remeDies proViDeD hereiN. iN No eVeNt shall traNsact's or Daymark’s
liaBility to cUstomer For Damages oF aNy NatUre eXceeD the pUrchase
price oF the proDUct or the price For the serVice From Which liaBility
Neither traNsact Nor Daymark shall Be liaBle For aNy special, iNciDeN-
tal, iNDirect or coNseQUeNtial Damages or For the loss oF proFit or
reVeNUe eVeN iF traNsact or Daymark shall haVe BeeN aDViseD oF the
possiBility oF sUch loss or Damage.