1. With the device turned on, press the >> button to playback. Press the button again to pause
2. To play another file, press the ◀◀ or ▶▶ button to select the desired file if in Play mode. If in
Pause mode, press the ◀◀ or ▶▶ button to switch to Stop mode and then press the >> button.
3. During playback, press and hold the ◀◀ or ▶▶ button to forward or reverse search the currently
playing file.
4. To fast search the desired file, press and hold the ◀◀ or ▶▶ button while in Stop mode.
5. Press the "+" or "-" button on the side of the device to adjust the volume.
6. The volume can be adjusted in 27 steps.
Displaying a Song Title
1. Select the MP3 file you want to play, and then press the >> button.
2. When the button is pressed, the song title will scroll across the LCD from right to left.
3. The LCD of this device supports the display of multilanguage characters, including English, Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean characters.
Supported Special Characters
1. A text display of song titles may vary depending on the way ID3 tag was written.
If ID3v1 Tag Was Used
· 28 English characters can be displayed.
If ID3v1 Tag Was Not Used
· 6 English characters can be displayed. "~1.MP3" will be appended at the end.
(Example: ABCDEF~1.MP3)
· Blank spaces and periods (.) will be omitted.
· Symbols and special characters will be converted to underscores (_).
(Example: MY [FIRST] FILE MY_FIR~1.MP3)
2. You can use the ID3v1 tags to rebuild the song titles.
·Select the desired file, right-click it, and then select "File Info".
·When the "MPEG file info box + ID3 tag editor" window appears, put a checkmark next to "ID3v1 Tag".
Do not check the "ID3v2 Tag" box.
(ID3v2 is not supported.)
·At the "Title" field, type in the song title, and then click "Update" to apply your change.