Ground cables
2005 FE350 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance and Service Supplement
Page 12-41
Battery Storage
See General Warning, Section 10, Page 10-1. See also DANGER on page 12-37.
1. Keep the battery clean and free of corrosion.
See Preventive Maintenance on page 12-38.
2. The battery cables should be disconnected from the battery so the battery can be connected to the
charger. The battery can be left in the vehicle.
3. Fully charge the battery prior to storage.
4. Store in a cool area. The colder the area in which the battery is stored, the less the battery will self-dis-
charge. A battery stored at 0 °F (-17.8 °C) will discharge very little over a four-month period. A battery
stored at 80 °F (27 °C) will have to be recharged every few weeks.
5. Check the state of charge periodically. A battery that is discharged and left in a cold environment can
freeze and crack. If the specific gravity drops below 1.220, the battery should be recharged.
See follow-
• If the battery is frozen or the container is bulged, discard battery. A frozen battery can
6. The frequency of recharging required depends on the temperature of the storage area, but it is recom-
mended that the battery be monitored for state of charge every month. Also, if the storage area is
unheated in a cold climate and recharging is required, it is recommended that the area be heated to at
least 60 °F (16 °C) prior to charging. The battery will not charge effectively in cold temperatures for the
same reasons that it does not discharge as rapidly in cold temperatures.
Charging a Dead Battery
See General Warning, Section 10, Page 10-1. See also DANGER on page 12-37.
The vehicle is equipped with a starter/generator. The generator is not designed to charge a dead battery. If the
vehicle battery has become discharged, it must be charged using a properly rated automotive type charger.
• Do not jump-start a dead battery using another battery and jumper cables.
Testing the Ground Cables
See Test Procedure 3, Section 11, Page 11-18.