Pending commands are those that still need to be executed. Listed also is the response to each command for diagnostic
purposes. You can read back the current script to determine its status at any point by pressing the 'Read Script' button.
'Clear Script' would delete the script from the database.
All the other functions should be familiar with the exception of the 'Clear Datalog' and 'Send Test SMS' functions. Since
these cannot be a button on the screen, they are captured as selectable options.
If you have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a
'Reload Device Config' function to allow the ser
at still need to be executed. Listed also is the response to each command for diagnostic
purposes. You can read back the current script to determine its status at any point by pressing the 'Read Script' button.
he database.
All the other functions should be familiar with the exception of the 'Clear Datalog' and 'Send Test SMS' functions. Since
these cannot be a button on the screen, they are captured as selectable options.
n data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a
Config' function to allow the server to update the database correctly.
at still need to be executed. Listed also is the response to each command for diagnostic
purposes. You can read back the current script to determine its status at any point by pressing the 'Read Script' button.
All the other functions should be familiar with the exception of the 'Clear Datalog' and 'Send Test SMS' functions. Since
n data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a