If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
disconnect from the server and reconnect using the new connection parame
cause the connection to re-establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re
completely different server so will go offline here preventing you from making any further
The 'Remote Configure' screen has one further tool available in its arsenal, and that is the 'Send Test SMS' function. The
purpose of this function is to not only test the SMS system, but also to determine the telephone number assigned to that
simcard (if the card supports SMS's). Using this function is as simple as pressing the button and entering the destination
telephone number in the provided input box
The logger will then send an SMS to that number. The message should rea
Device Code xxxxxxxxxx'. The receiving number can then be used to send sms commands to that logger.
If you have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to tr
'Reload Device Config' function to allow the ser
If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
disconnect from the server and reconnect using the new connection parameters by pressing the 'Hangup' button. This will
establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re
completely different server so will go offline here preventing you from making any further changes.
The 'Remote Configure' screen has one further tool available in its arsenal, and that is the 'Send Test SMS' function. The
purpose of this function is to not only test the SMS system, but also to determine the telephone number assigned to that
card (if the card supports SMS's). Using this function is as simple as pressing the button and entering the destination
telephone number in the provided input box - and pressing ENTER.
The logger will then send an SMS to that number. The message should read, 'Hello from Cirrus Modbus Logger
Device Code xxxxxxxxxx'. The receiving number can then be used to send sms commands to that logger.
If you have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to tr
Config' function to allow the server to update the database correctly.
If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
ters by pressing the 'Hangup' button. This will
establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re-connect to a
The 'Remote Configure' screen has one further tool available in its arsenal, and that is the 'Send Test SMS' function. The
purpose of this function is to not only test the SMS system, but also to determine the telephone number assigned to that
card (if the card supports SMS's). Using this function is as simple as pressing the button and entering the destination
Modbus Logger CDS551 -
Device Code xxxxxxxxxx'. The receiving number can then be used to send sms commands to that logger.
If you have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a