Apart from that, functions are the same as the Bluetooth Setup with the exception of three buttons on the top tool bar. The
'Reset Device' button is self explanatory and will initiate a reset of the logger. This would really only be used if there ha
been some really unexplained behaviour linked to the loggers operation.
If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
disconnect from the server and reconnect using the new connection parameters by press
cause the connection to re-establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re
completely different server so will go offline here preventing you from making any further changes.
If you have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a
'Reload Device Config' function to allow the ser
that, functions are the same as the Bluetooth Setup with the exception of three buttons on the top tool bar. The
'Reset Device' button is self explanatory and will initiate a reset of the logger. This would really only be used if there ha
unexplained behaviour linked to the loggers operation.
If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
disconnect from the server and reconnect using the new connection parameters by pressing the 'Hangup' button. This will
establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re
completely different server so will go offline here preventing you from making any further changes.
ou have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a
Config' function to allow the server to update the database correctly.
that, functions are the same as the Bluetooth Setup with the exception of three buttons on the top tool bar. The
'Reset Device' button is self explanatory and will initiate a reset of the logger. This would really only be used if there has
If you make changes to the connection parameters (i.e. APN details or Server details), you can force the logger to
ing the 'Hangup' button. This will
establish. Bear in mind, if these parameters have changed, the logger may re-connect to a
ou have made changes to configuration data and the logger is present in the database, please remember to trigger a