And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
the modem commands to the diagnostic screen for analysis.
kept off by default.
On the top of this page are several tool bar options. Briefly their functions are as follows:
Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect
Get Current Setup
Clear Datalog
Default Setup Scripts
Hardware Test
Setup Bluetooth
Calibrate Loop
Upgrade Firmware
Connecting and disconnecting to the Bluetooth interface
multiple times from this screen. This is especially useful since in battery
mode, if the connection is idle for more than 60 seconds, then the logger will
automatically disconnect from the Bluetooth connection.
Used to switch between the Comm
Mode with streaming diagnostics. In battery mode the logger might simply
go to sleep rather than connect to the server.
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will get the software to go
and read all the configurat
hand side of the screen.
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will send a command to clear
the onboard datalog.
Forces the logger to wake up and connect to the server. This will also force a
battery logger to connect to the server.
Applies only to battery loggers and will force the logger to sleep rather than
connect to the server.
Dropdown menu giving to options for factory default settings of either
battery or powered loggers.
Dropdown me
will send the appropriate command to the logger and display the result in the
diagnostic screen.
Bluetooth interfaces are set to default 'Friendly Names' that include the
current Device Code f
device when connecting to a Bluetooth interface. Should the Device Code not
appear on the list of devices when connecting to the Bluetooth interface
(legacy devices), then pressing this button will
the naming system. This function can also be used to reset the Bluetooth
interface to its factory default.
The Bluetooth interface may be setup with or without access via password.
The password used is the Bluetooth Passwor
option in CloudWorks. As long as the logger's requested password and the
system Bluetooth Password are the same, the connection will be established.
Used to calibrate the 4
The onboard firmware can be upgraded through the Bluetooth interface. The
process is explained in further detail below.
And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
commands to the diagnostic screen for analysis.
This is really only for advanced troubleshooting and should be
On the top of this page are several tool bar options. Briefly their functions are as follows:-
Connecting and disconnecting to the Bluetooth interface
multiple times from this screen. This is especially useful since in battery
mode, if the connection is idle for more than 60 seconds, then the logger will
automatically disconnect from the Bluetooth connection.
Used to switch between the Command Mode and the Connected to server
Mode with streaming diagnostics. In battery mode the logger might simply
go to sleep rather than connect to the server.
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will get the software to go
and read all the configuration data from the logger and display it on the right
hand side of the screen.
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will send a command to clear
the onboard datalog.
Forces the logger to wake up and connect to the server. This will also force a
battery logger to connect to the server.
Applies only to battery loggers and will force the logger to sleep rather than
connect to the server.
Dropdown menu giving to options for factory default settings of either
battery or powered loggers.
Dropdown menu to activate various hardware tests. Selecting these options
will send the appropriate command to the logger and display the result in the
diagnostic screen.
Bluetooth interfaces are set to default 'Friendly Names' that include the
current Device Code for the logger. This makes it easier to select the correct
device when connecting to a Bluetooth interface. Should the Device Code not
appear on the list of devices when connecting to the Bluetooth interface
(legacy devices), then pressing this button will reset the interface and correct
the naming system. This function can also be used to reset the Bluetooth
interface to its factory default.
The Bluetooth interface may be setup with or without access via password.
The password used is the Bluetooth Password setup under the General Setup
option in CloudWorks. As long as the logger's requested password and the
system Bluetooth Password are the same, the connection will be established.
Used to calibrate the 4-20mA. This is explained in further detail below.
The onboard firmware can be upgraded through the Bluetooth interface. The
process is explained in further detail below.
And lastly, an advanced function showing the modem diagnostics can be switched on or off. What this will do is stream all
This is really only for advanced troubleshooting and should be
Connecting and disconnecting to the Bluetooth interface can be done
multiple times from this screen. This is especially useful since in battery
mode, if the connection is idle for more than 60 seconds, then the logger will
and Mode and the Connected to server
Mode with streaming diagnostics. In battery mode the logger might simply
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will get the software to go
ion data from the logger and display it on the right
When in Command Mode, pressing this button will send a command to clear
Forces the logger to wake up and connect to the server. This will also force a
Applies only to battery loggers and will force the logger to sleep rather than
Dropdown menu giving to options for factory default settings of either
nu to activate various hardware tests. Selecting these options
will send the appropriate command to the logger and display the result in the
Bluetooth interfaces are set to default 'Friendly Names' that include the
or the logger. This makes it easier to select the correct
device when connecting to a Bluetooth interface. Should the Device Code not
appear on the list of devices when connecting to the Bluetooth interface
reset the interface and correct
the naming system. This function can also be used to reset the Bluetooth
The Bluetooth interface may be setup with or without access via password.
d setup under the General Setup
option in CloudWorks. As long as the logger's requested password and the
system Bluetooth Password are the same, the connection will be established.
20mA. This is explained in further detail below.
The onboard firmware can be upgraded through the Bluetooth interface. The