C l e a r l y b e t t e r s o u n d
the LM-2 and use of the PRIORITY button on the
LM-2 will interfere with correct operation in this
case. Disconnecting Pin 3 disables the PRIORITY
Connect a suitable length of twin-and-screen audio
cable to the terminals carrying the orange pair from
the incoming Cat 5 cable. Do not connect the screen
at the terminal block end. Wire the other end to the
screw-terminal connector for any of Line Inputs 3, 4,
5 and 6 as shown:
Signal ‘-’ (cold)
Signal ‘+’ (hot)
Note that Line Inputs 1 and 2 are unbalanced, and use
phono connectors on the Z4
and Z8
. Only
make the connections as shown to Line Inputs 3 to 6.
When all connections are made, refit the lid on the
enclosure (if used).
Procedure – host configuration:
In order for the LM-2’s remote control section
(background music source and level controls) to
operate correctly, the host unit must be set for
remote control operation. Please refer to the
Installation Guide for full details of how
to do this.
Once the connections have been made as described,
the audio source(s) connected at the LM-2 will be
available in any Zone by selecting the Line Input to
which the connection has been made as the Music
Source for the Zone.
In the Zone where the new “global” audio source is
connected to the LM-2, this selection will be made
using the
MUSIC LEVEL control on the LM-2 itself,
and the volume in the Zone will be set by the adjacent
MUSIC LEVEL control.*
In all other Zones, the source can be selected either
by a remote control module or plate (e.g., LM-2 or
RSL-6) installed in the Zone, or - if remote controls
are not installed - by the
Music Source controls on
the front panel.
In the same way, audio level can be adjusted by either
by a remote control module or plate, or the front
panel Music Level controls, as appropriate.
Note however, that the
LEVEL controls on the LM-2 module where the
source is connected now act as “Master” controls
and will alter the levels of the audio source in all
In the example diagram shown on the following page,
the global source is connected to an LM-2 in Zone1;
the Cat 5 cable from the LM-2 is “broken out” to Line
In 3 on the Z4
using the modification described
in this Technical Note. Zones 2 and 3 also have LM-2s
installed, but Zone 4 does not. To route the laptop
audio to all zones, Line In 3 must be selected as the
music source: in Zones 1, 2 and 3 this is done on
the LM-2 modules in each zone, but for Zone 4,
the selection must be made on the front panel of
the Z4
. The
MUSIC CONTROL switches for
Zones 1, 2 and 3 must be set to REMOTE to enable
their remote control sections, while that for Zone
4 is left at LOCAL, so that the Zone 4 front panel
music controls remain operative.
From the above it will be seen that a practical
method of setting levels might be to first turn the
Zone Music control on the LM-2 to which the
source is connected to maximum, and then increase
MUSIC LEVEL until the volume in the Zone
is as high as is ever likely to be required. This will
provide a sensible setting for input gain, and the levels
in other Zones can then be adjusted individually.
* This assumes that the LM-2’s remote controls are in use and have thus
been enabled at the host. If they are not, the front panel
Music Source
Music Level controls should be set in a similar way.