Rack Installation
The MA Series are rack mountable. The rack you use should be a double door rack where you
can open the front and rear panel. When mounting the amplifier into the rack, please make sure
that there is enough space around the amplifier.
Be careful when mounting the amplifier into the rack. Put the heaviest products into the lower
part of the rack. Be aware that fastening the amplifier with four screws on the front panel is not
Short cables runs improve the sound quality remarkably. Input cables should be short and direct,
since high frequencies will mostly be absorbed if the cables are unnecessarily long. Besides that
a longer cable may lead to humming and noise problems. If the cable runs are unavoidable, you
should use balanced cables.
The high damping factor of your amplifier supplies a clear sound reproduction. Unnecessarily long
and thin cables used for low impedance (4-16Ω) speakers will influence the damping factor and
thus the low frequencies in a negative way. In order to safeguard good sound quality, the damping
factor should lie around 50. The longer a cable has to be the thicker it should be. For longer cable
runs please ensure the 100V outputs are used for 100V speakers.
Connect your speaker systems via the speaker terminals (COM = -VE)
Examples: 1) COM + 4Ω
2) COM + 8Ω
3) COM + 70V
4) COM + 100V
Note: Please do not use more than one pair of output terminals
28. TEL audio volume -
Use this control to increase or decrease the telephone volume
29. Chime tone selector -
Use this to select the 2 tone or 4 tone options
30. Fan vent
31. PM 100 Mic input socket -
Use this to connect the PM 100 Paging mic (sold separately)
Pin configuration:
32. Speaker terminals
- For 100V, 70V, 4Ω, 8Ω, chime and active speakers connections
Pin 1: Remote amplifier input signal hot (+)
Pin 2: Remote amplifier input signal cold (-)
Pin 3: Signal ground
Pin 4: Remote control 1 (zone 1)
Pin 5: Remote control 2 (zone 2)
Pin 6: Remote control 3 (zone 3)
Pin 7: Remote control 4 (zone 4)
Pin 8: Remote control 5 (zone 5)
Pin 9: Remote control ground
Pin 10: DC +24V
Pin 11: Input chime
Pin 12, 13, 14, 15: Not used