Clenergy China
Tel86 592 311 0088
999-1009 Min'an Rd, Huoju Hi-tech Ind. Dev. Zone
Fac86 592 599 5028
Xiang'an District 361101, Xiamen, Fujian, China
4.3 Rail Installation
4.3.1 Before fix TW Rails
on the Support, splice
them to the required
length with Splice for TW
Insert half of Splice into
TW Rail and fasten with
two sets of Self-tapping
screws ST6.3*22 in each
side of TW Rail, and then
insert the other Splice into
TW Rail and fasten with
Self-tapping screws as
shwon in Figure 9.
NOTE: Please fasten the
Self-tapping screws until
its rubber washer attach
the TW Rail tightly.
Figure 9
4.3.2 According to your
plan, place TW Rail on the
girder, make the lower part
of Rail press against pre-
assembled Rail Clamp II
as shown in Figure 10.
Note: if the project doesn’t
have pre-assembled Rail
Clamp II, please fix Rail
Clamp II on each side of
Rail on site.
4.3.3 Place the rails one
by one on the planned
Figur 10
The lower part of Rail press
against the Rail Clamp