5. For single-ended testing, plug in appropriate
SC cable or LC cable with SC to LC adapters
(single mode or multimode according to the
cable being tested) between OLS and OPM.
Aqua = multimode. Yellow= single mode
6. For double-ended testing, plug in two
appropriate SC cables or two LC cables with
adapters, one into OLS and one into OPM, with
SC connectors or LC to SC adapters into OPM
and OLS ports.
Link SC or LC ends together with feedthrough
7.Reference OPM.
Once cable(s) are connected between OLS
and OPM units, press and hold “REF” button
for two seconds. OPM should now read 0dB.
7A. Single-ended Testing:
Unplug connector from power meter side ONLY.
Place feedthrough SC or LC adapter, depending
on cable being tested, on connector.
Connect cable to be tested. The dB value that
appears center of screen (see step 7) is the loss
7B. Double-ended Testing:
Unplug connector from SC or LC feedthrough
adapter. Place additional SC or LC feedthrough
adapter on connector.
Connect cable to be tested. The dB value that
appears center of screen (see step 7) is the
loss value.
Double-ended testing is optional
and requires additional reference
cables. Part Number:
SSF-REFCBL-MM = Multimode
SSF-REFCBL-SM = Single Mode
Performing Step 7 removes the
power loss of the “reference”
cables so that the dB loss reading
of the installed cables will not
include the loss of the reference
cable(s) utilized.
Refer to the included FOA instructions “Guide to Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling” to perform A>B and B<A testing to properly
diagnose high loss connector terminations.
For accurate testing, frequent cleaning of all connector faces being placed under test, maintaining minimal bends and movement of
reference cables, and resetting of power meter reference throughout the course of testing are recommended.
SSF-TKITE-100/1MM/1SM Quick Start Guide
Cleerline SSF™ TKITE-100 Test Kit