Revision date: 08.08.14
Prepare and Square the Building Site
A level site is required to accurately and safely construct
the building. Consult the services of a qualified contractor
to properly grade and prepare the site.
Site should slope away from the building for proper water
After the site is prepared, mark the location of the frame
corners to square the frame position. Taking these steps
assembling the shelter saves time and ensures
that the structure is square and positioned as desired.
The following procedures are suggested methods.
Their use depends on the size of the shelter, shelter
application, the footings (if applicable), and the method
used to anchor the shelter.
When in doubt, consult the services of a qualified
contractor experienced with the construction of similar
Ground Posts
If the frame includes ground posts, set all ground posts
as described within this manual. Width of the shelter
is measured from the center of one ground post to the
center of the remaining ground post. Length is also
measured center-to-center. If your building includes
ground posts, continue with the Setting Ground Post
1. Identify a corner where a building rafter will be
positioned, drive in a stake, and string a line the exact
width of the building and stake in place. (Width of the
rafter is measured from center-to-center of the rafter
pipes/ground posts.)
2. After the first corner stake is in place, string a line the
width of the building (center-to-center) and drive the
second corner stake into the ground.
3. String a line at least as long as the building 90° from
the line between the first and second stakes.
A transit can be used to ensure an accurate
90° angle, or the 3-4-5 rule can be used. Refer to
diagram. Using multiples of 3-4-5 such as 6-8-10 or
12-16-20 helps to maintain an accurate 90° angle.
4. After squaring the position of the building, measure
the length and drive the third corner stake.
5. Repeat the same step for the last corner stake.
The distance measured diagonally between
corner stakes must be equal for the building to be
The frame assembly of this building requires the
setting of all ground post in concrete. Review the
layout diagrams for additional details.
Enlist the services of a professional and competent
contractor to prepare the site and set the ground posts.
Failing to secure ground posts in concrete as required
may result in damage to the building, building contents,
and surrounding property.
Do not drive ground posts into the
ground! Doing so will damage the swaged end making
it difficult if not impossible to set rafter onto the posts
during frame assembly.