Revision Date: 03.13.08
5. Install a second cable clamp on the cable six to eight (6"-8") inches from the first clamp and tighten both clamps.
6. Remove the bolt from the jaw of the turnbuckle and position the cable end with the thimble into the turnbuckle jaw.
7. Insert the bolt through the turnbuckle jaw and the cable thimble, thread the nut onto the bolt, and tighten to secure the
cable to the turnbuckle.
8. Repeat Steps 2-7 for the remaining length of cable for this assembly.
9. Open the turnbuckle to its longest position and set the assembly aside.
10. Repeat the above procedure for all remaining assemblies. Length of upper cables may differ from the side cables.
Always measure length on the frame before cutting the cables.
11. With all cables assembled, move to the top of the fifth (5th) rafter and drill a 5/16" hole down through the rafter and
top, center purlin. This is the rafter-purlin connection where the ends of the upper cables are wrapped and secured.
See the insert in the diagram below for Steps 11 and 12.
12. Insert the 5/16" x 5" carriage bolt (FAH325B) down through the 5/16" hole, add a 5/16" nut, and tighten.
13. Repeat Steps 11 and 12 for the remaining rafter-purlin position
at the other end of the frame
14. Attach the cables to the assembled frame. See the diagrams below and in the Quick Start section of these instructions
for details and cable locations. The cable assembly length and positions are the same for the other side and end of
the frame.
Verify that the turnbuckles are fully extended before attaching the cables to the anchored frame.
Cable A
Cable B
Cable C
The lower end of
Cable Assembly C is connected
to the frame using a 103856 band
clamp. Install the band clamp by
spreading the clamp and placing it
around the leg of the rafter in the
locations shown in this diagram
and on the Side Profile Diagram in
the Quick Start section. Squeeze
the clamp into shape using
adjustable pliers.
5" Carriage Bolt
Steps 11-12
Band Clamp Locations: The band
clamps for the
end rafters
were installed
on each end rafter during the end rafter
assembly. See the comments to the left
to install band clamps for the interior
rafter positions.