Section D - Rafter Assembly
Step 1:
Locate the 8 sections of pipe to make an end rafter. This will include (2) straight leg sections
with angled ends, (3) curved sections, plus 3 straight sections to make the horizontal chord.
Typical End Rafter
Step 2:
Position a socket T and cross coupling at the middle of the curved section that will become
the peak.
Step 3:
Position a socket T and cross near the top of each leg section just below the bend.
Step 4:
Use (2) straight couplings to join the 3 curved sections together.
Step 5:
Use straight couplings to join a leg to each end of the curved assembly.
Step 6:
Assemble the chord using (2) swaged 99" pipes with (1) unswaged 58" pipe.
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