©2014 Clearpath Robotics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The expected model for extending Husky is to create a new ROS Workspace in the user’s home
directory, and add packages there. You can roslaunch additional nodes against the ROS Master
already running on Husky without needing to stop or start anything else. See the Overlays page
on the ROS wiki for more details:
When it comes time for some of your own code to be launched on startup of Husky, edit the
default workspace setup file, located in
. Change the final line from the
default to instead source your own workspace. When this is done, copy the launch file for your
software into the robot_upstart folder, which is located at
Now restart the Husky background service and your nodes should come up with the rest of
$ sudo service husky-core restart
For more details on this process, please see the ROS wiki page about upstart, located at:
You can find a list of supported packages and related documentation for payloads on Clearpath
Robotics’ ROS Wiki page here: