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Remote PC
Once you have a PC connected to your Husky with ROS installed, it is recommended to set up
your Remote PC. Begin by either plugging the remote PC directly into Husky’s router, or
connecting to the same wireless network that your Husky was configured to connect to.
If your Husky is not yet connected to your wireless network, please refer to the
Robotsmiths memo provided with your Husky.
It is now possible to communicate with Husky by either setting up a ROS master environment,
or using SSH. To access the onboard PC, you can SSH into Husky:
$ ssh administrator@<IP_OF_HUSKY_PC>
Some features are not available through SSH, and it is recommended to set up a ROS master
environment. In this situation, Husky will need to be configured as the master. To setup Husky
as the master, refer to
purchased a PC from Clearpath Robotics, Husky is already set as the master.
You can find the IP address of your remote PC using “ifconfig”. To connect to the master on your
remote PC, enter:
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<IP_OF_HUSKY_PC>:11311
You can then verify your connection by using:
$ rostopic list
If your Husky is equipped with an external radio that is connected to a subnet different
than your remote PC, you will have to set up a static route to communicate with Husky.
You can find the IP address of Husky’s router using the routers built in interface or a
third party application.
$ sudo route add -net <IP OF HUSKY> netmask gw <ADDRESS