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FieldSmart 96-Port PON FDH Cabinet
Installation Manual
Manual 022684 REV A - Jan 2022
• Use the hole on end of pad to
clean one alignment pin, then
press the end of the swab
into the other pin to clean.
Check your work with a fiber
scope. This can take several
attempts to get the endface
Female Connector (without pins)
Cleaned like a single fiber connector, using a cleaning platform. The
receptacles will be cleaned as long as you are using a combination clean-
ing process as recommended.
Again, using a platen, moisten the platen with cleaning solvent on one
end to accommodate 3 swipes of the MPO female endface.
Holding the connector (If APC, slightly at an angle to accommodate for 8°
angle) swiping with medium pressure, from the wet area into the dry area
3 times, without wiping over previous area.
Inspect, and if clean, make the connection. If NOT, repeat above steps
until clean or if determined that the end face is damaged (based on stan-
dards of 5 cleanings per connection), replace.