There is an avaliable program for fixed water and detergant comsumption,operator is
also able to adjust the consumption level as desired.Personal settings can be stored
in the machines's memory. Automatic carpet washing machine is engineered to wash
rugs and carpets horizentaly and verticaly with 3,4 or 5 brushes 170rpm per minute
moving at the same time keeping efficient pressure on rugs to reach ultimate
Otomat k halı yıkama mak nasında,fırçalama,deterjanlama ve durulama turlarını
kend n z kullanmak sted ğ n z m ktara göre programlayab l rs n z Terc hler n z
hafızaya alınır ve sted ğ n z m ktarda da su ve deterjan tüket m mkanı sağlanır.
Otomat k halı yıkama mak nes 3-4-5 adet fırça(fırça sayısı talebe göre değ ş r)
halının üzer nde etk n b r baskı kurarak hem en ne hem de boyuna aynı anda
hareket ederek dak kada (her 3 fırçada ayrı ayrı) 170 (defa) dev r dönerek etk n b r
şek lde ovalamaktadır.
Install ng the mach ne on ground saves work space
Only 1 worker needed to operate the mach ne
Adjustable brush pressure
Perfect Clean ng results ach ved w th hor zontal brush ng
Adjustable wash ng t me depend ng on a rug’s d rt level
Computer controlled system prov des m n mum labor cost
Saves on water,checm chals and labor
Automat c Carpet Wash ng Mach ne has been eng neered based on our exper ences
n the carpet wash ng sector for over 20 years. Our new des gn of carpet wash ng
mach ne allows users to wash 3 seperate area rugs at the same t me.
Adjustable consumpt on of water and detergants
Transm ss on controlled brush ng system
3 or 4 brushed models aval able
Carpet wash ng proccess s started by lay ng down the carpets on the ground
between the ra ls and press ng the Automat c carpet wash ng mach nes start button.
Wash ng proccess ends n aprox metely 4-5 m nutes.Sytem allows the workers to do
other proccesses wh le the mach ne s wash ng carpets such as wr ng ng the carpets
hang n or packag ng. Automat c carpet wash ng mach ne’s aprox mate electr c ty
consumpt on n 1 hour s 6.9kw. Up to 100m2 of rugs can be cleaned n 1 hour.
Automat c carpet wash ne mach ne s the latest technology that s mproved w th the
help of Turk sh s ence Center “TUBITAK”. W th the eff c ent consumpt on of water
and electr c ty prov ded by the automat c carpet wash ng mach ne ,a 6m2 carpet s
washed for a total of very compet t ve cost of 85cents.