Preparation Clean Air Optima
Water Filter W-01W
Water Filter W-01W
reduces the limescale in the water and the undesirable emission of
limescale particles into the room surroundings. Effective for one to three months, depending
on the water hardness. Hard tap water accelerates saturation of the granulate faster so that
Water Filter W-01W
must be replaced earlier.
1. Rinse the
Water Filter W-01W
for 2 minutes
under cold running tap water.
2. Screw the
Water Filter W-01W
to the water tank lid.
Determining water hardness:
1. Dip the enclosed test strip into a glass of
cold tap water for 1 second.
2. Read the water hardness teststrip after one minute.
3. Refer to the table to determine the expected duration of the
Water Filter W-01W
Dispose of the saturated
Water Filter W-01W
with your regular household waste.
Water Filter W-01W
should not be used longer than specified.
You can order the
Water Filter W-01W
in our online store at
= 3 months
= 3 months
= 2 months
= 2 months
= 1 months