61000663 Iss 03
5.1 Introduction
Shops, warehouses and factories are all subject to
the problems caused by frequently opened doors.
The open door not only causes a draft but greatly
increases energy loss and, therefore, the running
cost of the building. Screenzone units offer a cost-
effective, energy efficient solution to these prob-
lems by reducing heat loss. The installation of a
Screenzone air curtain with energy saving controls
provides a barrier of air that keeps the conditioned
or warm air inside the building. The energy saving
control unit when run under automatic control re-
duces both the power consumption and energy
cost. The key benefits of the energy saving con-
trols are:
Simple installation — wiring connections are
direct to the controller, no intermediary ter-
minal blocks are required.
Easy programming — the user sets two tem-
peratures and three fan speeds enabling the
air curtain to vary the required heat output
depending on the selected temperatures.
In conjunction with a door switch the control-
ler can be set to change the fan speed when
the door opens.
Compatible with Building Management Sys-
The air temperature sensor can be mounted
outside or inside to enable temperature con-
No specialist commissioning required.
Reduced payback period of your investment
thanks to the energy saving generated.
Cabling from the air curtain to the program
panel requires only 3 core cable.
One control unit can control up to six air cur-
A centralised control unit can be mounted up
to 50m from the air curtain.
5.2 Control with
This type of temperature control is suitable for
open door trade or frequently used doorways in
large areas where heat from the heater would not
affect the indoor ambient temperature. The control-
ler can be set to vary the heat output depending on
the outside temperature. This type of control
shouldn’t be used in small areas, between two sets
of doors or small shops. In this configuration the
heater is running on a preset speed and variable
heat output depending on two user selected tem-
(range 0 to 30 degrees C).
the outside temperature around the sensor falls
below the selected
temperature the heater will
be working on 100% heat output. If the tempera-
ture is above the selected
temperature but be-
selected temperature the heater will be
working on 50% heat output. If the outside temper-
ature is above the user selected
there is no heat output but the fan is running on a
5. Energy Saving Configuration
selected speed. For example:
16 deg C
7 deg C
Temperature below 7 - full heat
Temperature above 7 but below 16 - half heat
Temperature above 16 - no heat, cold blow only
5.3 Control with
This type of temperature control is suitable when
the heater is used in small areas, between two sets
of doors or in small shops where running the heater
on full heat setting for a longer period will bring the
room temperature to a very high level. With a tem-
perature sensor mounted inside the building the
controller can be set to vary the heat output de-
pending on the inside ambient temperature. In this
configuration the heater is running on a preset
speed and variable heat output depending on two
user selected temperatures
(range 0 to
30 degrees C)
If the ambient temperature around
the sensor falls below the selected
the heater will be working on 100% heat output. If
the temperature is above the selected
ture but below the
selected temperature the
heater will be working on 50% heat output. If the
ambient temperature around the sensor is above
the user selected
temperature there is no heat
output but the fan is running on a selected speed.
For example:
20 deg C
15 deg C
Temperature below 15 - full heat
Temperature above 15 but below 20 - half heat
Temperature above 20 - no heat, cold blow only
5.4 Optional Features
Both types of control can be used in conjunction
with a door switch which will change the fan speed
as selected by the user. In the case where the door
switch is not used a standard one pole switch can
be used to change the fan speed in auto mode. The
heater can be also connected to a Building man-
agement system or 24h 7day timer to run the heat-
er in fully automatic mode. If the heater is not con-
nected to a Building management system or timer
the available terminals can be connected to a
standard one pole switch
(light switch)
to turn the
heater off or on.