OE 2001
Alert management (20):
these are forwarded by sending an e-mail. You can select which events cause the
alert to be sent, and then set the sender e-mail parameters (SMTP Server, Ethernet Port, User ID, Password,
sender’s address) and the recipient’s e-mail address. The generation of warnings can however be enabled
or disabled using the appropriate button on the main page. They can only be sent when the charger is
connected to an external WiFi network that has internet access.
Miscellaneous (21):
allows you to set 3 more parameters. The minimum selectable power that can be left
at 1380W (minimum required by the standard) or increased (example for the Renault Zoe which requires a
minimum power of 1840W). The language of the texts of the HTML pages and the time zone.
Check for updates: present only if connected to the existing WI-FI network (22)
Allows you to check if a newer fi rmware version is available than the one in use. In the affi
rmative case this
is downloaded to an internal memory, if the process is completed (it takes about 1 minute) another button
appears which, if pressed, enables the next time the charger is switched on, the fi rmware update with the
new downloaded version.