OC 0221
The model of the machine
EN 60974-10:2003 :
International standarts
SN :
Machine serial number which must appear on requests or inquiries concerning the machine.
3-50/60Hz :
Three-phase input supply at 50 or 60 Hz
1-50/60Hz :
Single-phase input supply at 50 or 60 Hz.
Uo :
Secondary no-load voltage (peak value).
X :
Duty-Cycle Percentage
The duty-cycle is the number of minutes, expressed as a percentage, the machine can operate
(arc on) within a ten minute period without overheating. The duty cycle varies according to the
output current.
I2 :
Output cutting current
I1 :
Input Amps absorbed corresponding to different output levels (I2).
U2 :
Secondary voltage with cutting current I2.
U1 :
Nominal supply voltage
IP21 :
Machine case protection class. The 1 in the second digit place means that this unit is not fit
to work outdoors in the rain.
F :
Insulation Class
Single-phase transformer-rectifier
Three-phase transformer-rectifier