Open the film holder and attach the film strip as follows:
1. Hold down the film holder as shown in the picture.
2. Push open the catch on the opposite side towards the “OPEN” mark.
3. Open the film holder.
4. Hold the film strip up to the light, you should be able to see the negative
numbering the right way round (not a mirror image).
Try to avoid getting
fingerprints on the negative strip; if possible, use thin cotton gloves. Blow off
dust and dirt using compressed air from a spray can designed for cleaning.
Other suitable aids are also available, e.g. a blower brush.
5. Press down the negative strip so
that the perforation fits the guides in
the film holder. Close the film holder
securely over the film. Make sure
you mount the images the right
way round.
Sometimes not all images will fit into the film holder, and there will be a black
border on one side. This is because the film was wound on manually at varying
intervals in the camera, which means there may be errors in the scanner.
Scanning negative or positive film
1. Connect the negative scanner to an available USB port on your computer.
2. Your computer will recognise the scanner and install further drivers, then it will be
ready for use.
3. Double click the
icon that has been created on your desktop to start
the software. Depending on your computer setting, you might need to confirm that
the software is permitted to make changes to your computer by pressing
4. Guide the slide holder into
the feeder slot with the white
arrow first.
5. Click on
in the upper left
of the screen when the NIMOFILM
software has started.