As with all machiner
As with all machiner
As with all machiner
As with all machiner
As with all machineryyyyy, there are cer
, there are cer
, there are cer
, there are cer
, there are certain hazards involved with their
tain hazards involved with their
tain hazards involved with their
tain hazards involved with their
tain hazards involved with their
operation and use. Exercising respect and caution will considerably
operation and use. Exercising respect and caution will considerably
operation and use. Exercising respect and caution will considerably
operation and use. Exercising respect and caution will considerably
operation and use. Exercising respect and caution will considerably
lessen the risk of personal injur
lessen the risk of personal injur
lessen the risk of personal injur
lessen the risk of personal injur
lessen the risk of personal injur yyyyy. However
. However
. However
. However
. However, if normal safety
, if normal safety
, if normal safety
, if normal safety
, if normal safety
precautions are overlooked, or ignored, personal injury to the
precautions are overlooked, or ignored, personal injury to the
precautions are overlooked, or ignored, personal injury to the
precautions are overlooked, or ignored, personal injury to the
precautions are overlooked, or ignored, personal injury to the
operator, or damage to proper
, or damage to proper
, or damage to proper
, or damage to proper
, or damage to property may result. It is in your own interest
ty may result. It is in your own interest
ty may result. It is in your own interest
ty may result. It is in your own interest
ty may result. It is in your own interest
to read and pay attention to the following rules:
to read and pay attention to the following rules:
to read and pay attention to the following rules:
to read and pay attention to the following rules:
to read and pay attention to the following rules:
When using the air compressor
When using the air compressor
When using the air compressor
When using the air compressor
When using the air compressor, you should follow basic safety
, you should follow basic safety
, you should follow basic safety
, you should follow basic safety
, you should follow basic safety
precautions including the following to reduce the risk of personal
precautions including the following to reduce the risk of personal
precautions including the following to reduce the risk of personal
precautions including the following to reduce the risk of personal
precautions including the following to reduce the risk of personal
injuryyyyy. Mak
. Mak
. Mak
. Mak
. Make sure that you have read all of the instructions before
e sure that you have read all of the instructions before
e sure that you have read all of the instructions before
e sure that you have read all of the instructions before
e sure that you have read all of the instructions before
using the air compressor
using the air compressor
using the air compressor
using the air compressor
using the air compressor. Keep this booklet with the compressor for
. Keep this booklet with the compressor for
. Keep this booklet with the compressor for
. Keep this booklet with the compressor for
. Keep this booklet with the compressor for
future reference by the operator
future reference by the operator
future reference by the operator
future reference by the operator
future reference by the operator. P
. P
. P
. P
. Persons who have not read this
ersons who have not read this
ersons who have not read this
ersons who have not read this
ersons who have not read this
booklet should not use the air compressor
booklet should not use the air compressor
booklet should not use the air compressor
booklet should not use the air compressor
booklet should not use the air compressor.....
Compressed air can be dangerous. Death or serious injury could
Compressed air can be dangerous. Death or serious injury could
Compressed air can be dangerous. Death or serious injury could
Compressed air can be dangerous. Death or serious injury could
Compressed air can be dangerous. Death or serious injury could
result from improper or unsafe use of this compressor
result from improper or unsafe use of this compressor
result from improper or unsafe use of this compressor
result from improper or unsafe use of this compressor
result from improper or unsafe use of this compressor. T
. T
. T
. T
. To avoid these
o avoid these
o avoid these
o avoid these
o avoid these
risks, use your common sense and follow these basic safety
risks, use your common sense and follow these basic safety
risks, use your common sense and follow these basic safety
risks, use your common sense and follow these basic safety
risks, use your common sense and follow these basic safety
instructions. Compressed air should never be inhaled as it may
instructions. Compressed air should never be inhaled as it may
instructions. Compressed air should never be inhaled as it may
instructions. Compressed air should never be inhaled as it may
instructions. Compressed air should never be inhaled as it may
contain toxic vapours or solid particles. Always work in good
contain toxic vapours or solid particles. Always work in good
contain toxic vapours or solid particles. Always work in good
contain toxic vapours or solid particles. Always work in good
contain toxic vapours or solid particles. Always work in good
ventilation, especially when spraying paints or other toxic substances
ventilation, especially when spraying paints or other toxic substances
ventilation, especially when spraying paints or other toxic substances
ventilation, especially when spraying paints or other toxic substances
ventilation, especially when spraying paints or other toxic substances
and always use a suitable face mask. Do not spray near sources of
and always use a suitable face mask. Do not spray near sources of
and always use a suitable face mask. Do not spray near sources of
and always use a suitable face mask. Do not spray near sources of
and always use a suitable face mask. Do not spray near sources of
possible ignition.
possible ignition.
possible ignition.
possible ignition.
possible ignition.
Attachments, hoses and accessories must meet or exceed the
Attachments, hoses and accessories must meet or exceed the
Attachments, hoses and accessories must meet or exceed the
Attachments, hoses and accessories must meet or exceed the
Attachments, hoses and accessories must meet or exceed the
maximum pressure rating of this compressor
maximum pressure rating of this compressor
maximum pressure rating of this compressor
maximum pressure rating of this compressor
maximum pressure rating of this compressor.....
If low pressure parts are used, the air pressure could cause them to
If low pressure parts are used, the air pressure could cause them to
If low pressure parts are used, the air pressure could cause them to
If low pressure parts are used, the air pressure could cause them to
If low pressure parts are used, the air pressure could cause them to
explode or fly apar
explode or fly apar
explode or fly apar
explode or fly apar
explode or fly apart, resulting in serious injur
t, resulting in serious injur
t, resulting in serious injur
t, resulting in serious injur
t, resulting in serious injuryyyyy. Always tak
. Always tak
. Always tak
. Always tak
. Always take great
e great
e great
e great
e great
care when releasing the pressure and connecting/disconnecting
care when releasing the pressure and connecting/disconnecting
care when releasing the pressure and connecting/disconnecting
care when releasing the pressure and connecting/disconnecting
care when releasing the pressure and connecting/disconnecting
This compressor must be connected to a power socket that is
This compressor must be connected to a power socket that is
This compressor must be connected to a power socket that is
This compressor must be connected to a power socket that is
This compressor must be connected to a power socket that is
safeguarded by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse.
safeguarded by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse.
safeguarded by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse.
safeguarded by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse.
safeguarded by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse.