Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
In order to improve access to the workpiece, the die can be rotated through
1. To do this, loosen the locknut with
a 22mm spanner and rotate the
die on the punch until it is in the
right position for the job in hand.
2. Hold the die steady with a 15mm
spanner on its flats and retighten
the locknut.
3. Ensure you workpiece is properly
secured and marked out.
4. Connect the nibbler to the airline.
5. Start the nibbler by squeezing the throttle lever.
6. Introduce the sheet metal into the slot in the end of the die. Apply only light
pressure to move the tool in the desired direction through the material.
7. Do not allow the nibbler to run freely for long periods of time as this could
harm the bearings.
It is recommended that a whip hose with a swivel (not included)
be used to prevent twisting, kinking and resultant wear to the air
Do not disconnect the air supply hose until the compressor has been shut
down and the compressed air released.
1. Refer to the compressor instruction manual for the procedure to shut down
and release the compressed air.
2. Once the pressure has been released, disconnect the air supply hose from
the air tool.
3. Store the tool safely in its box in a dry, secure environment.