Clara AGX Developer Kit User Guide
Attempting to switch to dGPU mode failed and the system is not in iGPU or dGPU
When running the nvgpuswitch.py script to install dGPU, if for any reason it fails, the
system will not default back to the previous iGPU mode, therefore the system doesn’t
have either of the GPU modes enabled.
Action: When you are ready to try again, first check that the nvgpuswitch.py script is
still in your $PATH, otherwise find the location of the script and copy it to a place in
$ sudo find / -name nvgpuswitch.py
$ sudo cp /opt/nvidia/l4t-gputools/bin/nvgpuswitch.py /usr/local/bin/
Then, use the –f option when running nvgpuswitch.py to force the reinstall of the
dGPU stack.
$ sudo nvgpuswitch.py install dGPU -f
Additional Resources
For other documentation and release notes, see the
For further Jetson documentation, see the
For feedback, discussion, and questions, please post to the Clara Holoscan SDK
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