CK Worldwide, Inc.
TIG Torch and accessories - refer to extra value brochure (form 3000).
Cold Wire Feed Unit.
Extra neoprene gloves.
1. If welded parts are too hot to handle, use forced gas cooling with a small fan
to speed up the cooling process inside the chamber. Do not use leather gloves
inside the chamber, as they can cause contamination.
2. To keep hands comfortable, cotton gloves can be worn inside neoprene
3. The components being put into the chamber must be cleaned with a suitable
solvent and dried. The parts should be handled with clean hands.
4. Do not collapse chamber before parts have cooled.
If the chamber has been exposed to temperature extremes, it should be left for
several hours to reach room temperature. Premature unpacking could lead to
cracking, scuffing and/or deformation. The chamber is quoted and normally
supplied in its bare form and will need a hard internal base, an external support
table, an argon gas supply with flowmeter, compressed air (for vacuum process), a
welding torch and ground cable.
Unpack the chamber carefully to avoid cracking, scratching or tearing. Place the
chamber on a prepared table top, the same diameter as the inner base ring. At
this time the heat blanket should be placed on the plastic base inside the chamber.
A steel plate should then be placed on top of the heat blanket. A stainless steel
plate is recommended (1/4" - 1/2"). The blankets edges will be exposed around
the perimeter inside the chamber, to protect the sides of the chamber.
Note: The heat blanket acts as a low temperature protector that insulates the steel
base plate from the plastic base. The blanket is not intended to be welded on.
Insert the torch assembly into the chamber through one of the accessory ports.
You will need to pierce a hole at the port entrance of the chamber. Remove all
front-end parts from TIG torch. Once the torch has been inserted, use the tape
provided, or duct tape, to seal the port sleeve onto the torch cable. The ground
cable and other accessories should be installed through one of the accessory ports
in the same manner, then sealed.
Connect the gas hose assembly to the chamber at the 1/4" NPT inlet. Next,
connect the hose coming from the "Y" labeled "GAS" to a regulator/flowmeter.
The unit is now ready to have parts inserted for welding.