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Fitting Instructions

The CJE ARM 3 to the ARCHIMEDES 300 / 400 series Computer.

The ARCHIMEDES Computer and this ARM3 Board use CMOS IC's and therefore antistatic 
handling procedures MUST be observed.
NB. Removal of the ARM 2 Requires the use of a special tool if you are using an extractor supplied by CJE 
follow all the instructions if you are using another extractor ignore sections 7 to 9 and follow the instructions 
supplied with your own extractor.

1. Save the CMOS Ram settings (if you have suitable software) and park any HardDiscs if fitted.
2. Disconnect from the mains and remove the case lid.
3. Disconnect and remove any Podules and Backplane if fitted.
4. Remove the screws holding the main PCB, and the screws underneath at the back that are 

under the PCB.

5. Remove the Main Circuit Board from the case.
6. If your machine does not have MEMC1A already fitted you must fit this now. Fitting 

instructions for this will have been supplied with it.

7. Position the extractor tool over the 84 pin ARM 2 Chip (IC43) with the metal legs inserted 

into the slots in the corner of the socket.

8. Hold the extractor firmly at the base so that it will not move.
9. Slowly squeeze the extractor at the top were the finger grip is located. This will cause the two metal 

arms to be moved upwards pulling the ARM 2 out of its socket. If one edge comes out first this 
does not matter, continue squeezing until both corners have been extracted.

10. Hold the ARM 3 circuit board so that the ARM 3 Chip is on the right hand side and the oscillator (

rectangular metallic component) is on the left hand side. With the circuit board front end towards 
you, slowly push the connector squarely into the ARM socket.

11. Where appropriate refit Backplane and Podules.
12. Refit case lid.
13. Switch the computer on whilst holding the DELETE key down on the keyboard.
14. Reload the original CMOS Ram settings if saved.
15. Test computer using software which you know works without any errors.
16. For testing of the cache see supplied user instructions.

If Fitting the FPA Unit to the above ARM3.
1. Remove the ARM3 board from the computer.
2. Insert the FPA board into the connector on the right hand side of the ARM3 board. This board is fitted 

so the component side of the FPA faces the ARM3 processor. ie the cutout on the FPA board is at 
the top end of the ARM3 were is says ARM3 FP 1992.

3. Re-install the ARM3 as above.

As fitting operations are outside the control of C J E Micro's, no responsibility can be accepted for any 
consequential damage or loss of data arising from the use or fitting of this unit.
