Air conditioning
We recommend use of the automatic
regulation of the air conditioning.
It permits automatic and optimised
control of all of the following func-
tions: air fl ow, temperature in the
passenger compartment and air
distribution, by means of various
sensors (exterior temperature, sun-
shine). This eliminates any need for
you to change your settings other
than the value displayed.
Please do not block the sunshine
If you select the automatic mode
(by pressing the "AUTO" control)
and leave all of the vents open, opti-
mum comfort will be maintained and
humidity and condensation will be
removed regardless of the exterior
climatic conditions.
The temperature in the passenger
compartment cannot be lower than
the exterior temperature if the air
conditioning is not on.
In order to be effective, the air con-
ditioning must be used with the win-
dows closed. If the vehicle has been
parked in the sun for a long period
and the interior temperature is very
high, ventilate the passenger com-
partment with the windows open for
a few minutes, then close the win-
To keep the air conditioning system
in good working order it is essential
that it is operated at least once a
The air conditioning uses the en-
gine power during its operation. As a
result, the fuel consumption of the
vehicle increases.
In certain cases of particularly ardu-
ous use (e.g. towing the maximum
load on a steep gradient in high tem-
peratures), switching off the air condi-
tioning permits the recovery of engine
power and therefore increases the
towing capacity.
Air inlet
Check that the exterior grille for the air
inlet, at the bottom of the windscreen,
is clean and free of dead leaves,
snow, etc.
When washing the vehicle using a high
pressure nozzle, avoid spraying at the
air inlet.
Air circulation
Maximum comfort is obtained by
means of a good distribution of air in
the passenger compartment, both in
the front and in the rear.
To obtain a uniform distribution of
air, take care not to block the ex-
terior air intake grille located at the
base of the windscreen, the vents,
the air outlets under the front seats
and the air extractor located behind
the fl aps in the boot.
The front and rear vents are fi tted
with thumbwheels to adjust the air
fl ow and direction. We recommend
that you leave all of the vents open.
Dust filter/Odour filter
(active carbon)
There is a fi lter for excluding odours
and dust.
This fi lter has to be changed in ac-
cordance with the vehicle mainte-
nance schedule (see: "Maintenance
and Warranty Guide").