I N S T R U M E N T S a n d C O N T R O L S
Maintenance indicator
System which informs the driver
when the next service is due, in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer's
servicing schedule.
The point at which the service is due
is calculated from the last indicator
zero reset. It is determined by two
- the distance travelled,
- the time elapsed since the last
More than 620 miles (1 000 km)
remain before the next service is due
For 5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the spanner symbolis-
ing the service operations comes on.
The distance recorder display line
indicates the distance remaining be-
fore the next service is due.
1 900 miles remain be-
fore the next service is due.
For 5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the display indicates:
5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on,
the spanner is
switched off
; the distance recorder
resumes its normal operation. The
display then indicates the total and
trip distances.
Less than 620 miles (1 000 km)
remain before the next service is due
500 miles remain before
the next service is due.
For 5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the display indicates:
5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the distance recorder
resumes its normal operation.
spanner remains on
to indicate that
a service must be carried out soon.
Service overdue
For 5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on,
the spanner fl ashes
to indicate that the service must be
carried out as soon as possible.
the service is overdue by
300 miles.
For 5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the display indicates:
5 seconds after the ignition is
switched on, the distance recorder
resumes its normal operation.
spanner remains lit
The distance remaining may be
weighted by the time factor, depend-
ing on the driver's driving habits.
Therefore, the spanner may also
come on if you have exceeded the
two year service interval.