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Preparing the Site and Rack
Jul 15, 2013
The NetScaler Gateway appliance has specific site and rack requirements. You must make sure that adequate
environmental control and power density are available. Racks must be bolted to the ground and have sufficient airflow.
Preparing the site and rack are important steps in the installation process and will help ensure a smooth installation.
Site Requirements
The appliance should be installed in a server room or server cabinet with the following features:
Environment control. An air conditioner, preferably a dedicated computer room air conditioner (CRAC), capable of
maintaining the cabinet or server room at a temperature of no more than 21°C/70°F at altitudes up to 2100 m/7000 ft,
or 15°C/60°F at higher altitudes, a humidity level no greater than 45 percent, and a dust-free environment.
Power density. Wiring capable of handling at least 4000 W per rack unit in addition to power needs for the CRAC.
Rack Requirements
The rack on which you install your appliance should meet the following criteria:
Rack characteristics. Racks should be either integrated into a purpose-designed server cabinet or be the floor-to-ceiling
type, bolted down at both top and bottom to ensure stability. If you have a cabinet, you should install the cabinet
perpendicular to a load-bearing wall for stability and sufficient airflow. If you have a server room, you should install your
racks in rows spaced at least 1 meter/3 feet apart for sufficient airflow. Your rack must give your IT personnel the ability
to access the front and back of each appliance and all power and network connections.
Power connections. At minimum, two standard power outlets per unit.
Network connections. At minimum, four Ethernet connections per rack unit.
Space requirements. One empty rack unit.