CITIZEN UWP POS Print SDK - Programming Manual
Notes of this SDK are as follows.
3.4.1. Logging function
This SDK supports the log function which records the methods and properties. When setting the log
function, use the
, or placing a file "CSJPOSLibD.cfg" of the next format in the LocalFolder.
< Example of CSJPOSLibD.cfg >
... Section name (Fixed)
... Specifies the log mode.
... Specifies the relative path from the LocalFolder to store the log files.
... Specifies the maximum size of log file in MB.
Setting items
- LogMode
Specifies a log mode:
0: None
1: Access log
2: Error log
- LogPath
Specifies a folder which log files will be stored. It must be described as relative path from the local
folder. When this setting is not specified, log files will be stored into the local folder.
- LogMaxSize
Specifies maximum size of a log file in MB. If 0 is specified, log data will be written without limit.
Log file name
Log files will be stored with a file name "CSJPOSLibD_" and a number which indicates the day of week(0
to 6. 0: Sunday, 1: Monday...), and a file extension ".log."
Example: CSJPOSLibD_1.log
If a log file is already existing and it is older than today, it will be deleted, and the log data will recorded
into a new file. (It will be held for one week.)
Log format
A log file keeps the information of executed methods, accessed properties, timestamps and results.
--- Example 1, method (Connect) ---
2019/12/24 13:26:31.857 8028 008 METHOD call ConnectAsync(0, "")
2019/12/24 13:26:33.313 8028 008 METHOD result ConnectAsync() -> Success(0)
--- Example 2, method (DisplayText) ---
2019/12/24 13:26:33.635 8028 008 METHOD call DisplayTextAsync([See below])
-----------------Parameter Detail----------------------