Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Overview of Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software
Supported Software Features for the Cisco uBR10012 Router
Cisco PacketCable Primer White Paper
“PacketCable is a CableLabs
-led initiative that is aimed at developing interoperable interface
specifications for delivering advanced, real-time multimedia services over two-way cable plant. Built on
top of the industry's highly successful cable modem infrastructure, PacketCable networks use Internet
protocol (IP) technology to enable a wide range of multimedia services, such as IP telephony,
multimedia conferencing, interactive gaming, and general multimedia applications.” (PacketCable.com)
describes key features of the PacketCable Multimedia IP service delivery framework as
Simple, powerful access to DOCSIS
1.1 QoS mechanisms supporting both time and
volume-basednetwork resource authorizations
Abstract, event-based network resource auditing and management mechanisms
A robust security infrastructure that provides integrity and appropriate levels of protection across all
PacketCable™ is a registered trademark of CableLabs
. Additional information and specifications are
available online at the following CableLabs websites:
PacketCable website
PacketCable Multimedia specifications
Security Features
The Cisco uBR10012 router supports multiple security features:
Address Verification
CM Transmission Burst Size
Dynamic or Mobile Host Support
Dynamic Shared Secret (DMIC) with OUI Exclusion
Refer also to security features described in the
“DOCSIS 1.1 Feature Support” section on page 1-29
Address Verification
The Cisco uBR10012 router supports verification of cable interface and PC addresses to ensure that the
cable interface service ID (SID) and MAC addresses are consistent. This security feature helps ensure
that IP addresses are not spoofed. A PC behind a cable interface is assigned an IP address from the
DHCP server. If a user on a second PC or cable interface statically assigns the same IP address to a PC,
the Cisco uBR10012 router finds this case to help block the spoofing user. Using the command-line
interface (CLI), administrators can determine the IP and MAC address of a given cable interface, and the
SID number that shows the IP and MAC addresses of all devices learned in the cable interface MAC
table. Using the service provider customer databases, administrators can cross-reference the spoofing
cable interface and PC and prevent usage.