Command Reference
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T
Timezone Offset
Correction received from the DHCP server to synchronize the cable modem time clock
with the CMTS.
Config filename
Name of the file stored on the cable company’s TFTP server that contains operational
parameters for the cable modem.
buffer size
Size in bytes of the BCM3220 message buffers.
RX data PDU ring:
Indicates the memory location of the beginning of buffer information for the receive
data ring.
Indicates current head buffer descriptor.
Indicates current head packet descriptor.
RX MAC message ring:
Indicates the memory location of the beginning of buffer information for the receive
MAC message ring.
Indicates current head buffer descriptor.
Indicates current head packet descriptor.
TX BD ring:
Indicates the memory location of the beginning of buffer information for the transmit
buffer descriptor ring.
If tx_count is 0, or if tx_head and tx_tail are equal and there is no change for a period of
time, it means there are packets stuck on the ring. This condition may be caused by the
headend not giving grants.
The next packet descriptor to get used, along with its index.
The next packet descriptor to get sent, along with its index. When head_txp and tail_txp
are the same, the transmit queue is empty.
TX PD ring:
Indicates the memory location of the beginning of buffer information for the transmit
packet descriptor ring.
Indicates current head packet descriptor.
Indicates current tail packet descriptor.
Extended MCNS header.
MIB Statistics:
DS fifo full
Number of times the downstream input first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer became full on
the uBR904.
Number of times a bandwidth request generated by the uBR904 was not responded to
by the CMTS.
DS mac msg overruns
Number of times the uBR904’s DMA controller had a downstream MAC message and
there were no free MAC message buffer descriptors to accept the message.
DS data overruns
Number of times the uBR904’s DMA controller had downstream data and there were no
free data PDU buffer descriptors to accept the data.
Qualified maps
Number of times a MAP message passed all filtering requirements and was received by
the uBR904.
Qualified syncs
Number of times a timestamp message was received by the uBR904.
CRC fails
Number of times a MAC message failed a cyclic redundancy (CRC) check.
HDR chk fails
Number of times a MAC header failed its 16-bit CRC check. The MAC header CRC is a
16-bit Header Check Sequence (HCS) field that ensures the integrity of the MAC
header even in a collision environment.
Data pdus
Total number of data PDUs (protocol data units) of all types received by the uBR904.
Table 2
Show Controllers Cable-Modem Field Descriptions (Continued)