Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway Release 5.4
Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway for Operation
Changing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM Configuration
Table 3-4
describes elements in the MeetingPlace Server Entry dialog box.
Table 3-4
MeetingPlace Server Entry Dialog Box Elements
Server Name
The hostname or IP address of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Audio Server that you want the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
E-Mail Gateway to support.
Shadow Server Name
The hostname or IP address of the shadow Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace Audio Server that you want the Cisco Unified
MeetingPlace SMTP E-Mail Gateway to use.
Client IP address
The IP address of the computer on which the Gateway SIM is
Transfer Destination
The name of the temporary folder that is used to cache data during
the backup process.
This field can remain blank.
Link Encryption Disabled
Deactivates encrypted communication between the Gateway SIM
and the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. Encryption is
enabled by default.
Allows you to save your changes.
Allows you to close the dialog box without saving your changes.