Planning Your Installation
This chapter provides preinstallation information, such as recommendations and requirements that must be
met before installing Cisco VG400 Voice Gateway. Before you begin, inspect all items for shipping damage.
If anything appears to be damaged or if you encounter problems installing or configuring the Voice Gateway,
contact the customer service. Warranty, service, and support information is included in the Hardware Quick
Start guide that is shipped with your product. See the following sections to prepare for installation:
Location and Mounting Requirements, on page 11
Temperature Control and Ventilation, on page 12
Rack requirements, on page 12
Access to Chassis, on page 12
Power Source and Supply, on page 13
Network Cabling Considerations, on page 13
Interference Considerations , on page 14
Required tools and equipment for installation, on page 15
Site Log, on page 15
Installation Checklist, on page 16
Location and Mounting Requirements
The three mounting possibilities for your Cisco VG400 Voice Gateway are as follows:
• Rack-mount
• Wall-mount
The mounting location must provide the following:
• Access to the chassis.
• Access to a suitable power source.
• Access to an appropriate earth ground.
• Allowance for adequate heat dissipation and airflow around the chassis.
Bench Mounted
The installation location (room, closet, or cabinet) for the Cisco VG400 Voice Gateway should always be
well ventilated and provide adequate air circulation to ensure proper cooling. The room temperature should
be maintained between 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C).
Cisco VG400 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation Guide