Route Switch Processor (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide
Troubleshooting the Installation
Step 3
When you have verified that the power supply is functioning properly, observe the LEDs on the RSP8.
The CPU halt LED always turns on during initial power-up of an RSP8 and remains on for approximately
one-half second, then turns off. If it remains on during the startup sequence, the system has encountered
a processor hardware error.
Use the show version command to check the current configuration register settings.
If the CPU halt LED remains on during a second startup attempt, suspect a processor hardware error
and contact a service representative.
Step 4
During the boot process, the LEDs on most of the interfaces light in irregular sequence; this does not
indicate either correct system startup or failure.
Step 5
When the system boot is complete, the RSP8 begins to initialize the interface processors. During this
initialization, the LEDs on each interface processor behave differently (most flash on and off). The
enabled LED on each interface processor goes on when initialization has been completed.
If the enabled LEDs on the interface processors go on, the system has booted successfully and is
now functional.
If the RSP8 LEDs previously indicated a successful system boot, but none of the enabled LEDs on
the interface processors go on, suspect that one of the interface processors has shifted out of its
backplane connector and halted the system. Use the ejector levers to release the interface processor
and reseat it in the backplane. (For an illustration of the ejector levers, see
Figure 3 on page 17
Tighten both captive installation screws.
If the enabled LED on a single interface processor remains off, suspect that the interface processor
has shifted out of its slot. Use the ejector levers to release the interface processor and reseat it in the
backplane. (For an illustration of the ejector levers, see
Figure 3 on page 17
.) Tighten both captive
installation screws. After the system reinitializes the interfaces, the enabled LED on the interface
processor should go on.
If an enabled LED still fails to go on after you perform these steps, suspect that the specific interface
processor has failed.
Step 6
When the system boot is complete and all interface processors have been initialized, the active RSP8’s
console screen displays a script and a system banner similar to the following:
System Bootstrap, Version 11.1, RELEASED SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
SLOT 6 RSP8 is system master (SLOT 2 for a Cisco 7507)
SLOT 7 RSP8 is system slave (SLOT 3 for a Cisco 7507, if installed)
RSP8 processor with 128 Mbytes of main memory
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1 [biff 2], RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
ROM: GS Bootstrap Software (RSP-BOOT-M), Version 10.3(7), RELEASE SOFTWARE
Warning: monitor nvram area is corrupt... using default values
SLOT 6 RSP8 is system master
SLOT 7 RSP8 is system slave
RSP8 processor with 128 Mbytes of main memory
[additional displayed text omitted from this example]
If all the previous conditions are met and this banner is displayed, the system startup was successful
and your installation is complete.
If an error message is displayed on the terminal, refer to the appropriate software publication for
error message definitions.
If the console screen is blank, check the terminal to ensure that it is turned on and that the console
cable is correctly connected between the terminal and the console port on the RSP8.