Route Switch Processor (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring High System Availability
slot11: FSIP, hw 1.1, sw 20.01, ccb 5800FFE0, cmdq 480000D8, vps 8192
software loaded from flash slot0:pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
Serial11/0, applique is Universal (cable unattached)
gfreeq 48000138, lfreeq 48000240 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 42, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48000248, txacc 480000F2 (value 5), txlimit 27
Router# dir slot0:pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
-#- -length- -----date/time------ name
3 10242 Jan 01 1999 03:46:31 pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
Router# dir slaveslot0:pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
No such file
4079832 bytes available (3915560 bytes used)
Router# copy slot0:pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1 slaveslot0:
4079704 bytes available on device slaveslot0, proceed? [confirm]
Router# dir slaveslot0:pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
-#- -length- -----date/time------ name
3 10242 Mar 01 1999 02:35:04 pond/bath/rsp_fsip20-1
4069460 bytes available (3925932 bytes used)
Specifying Different Startup Images for the Active and the Standby RSPs
For software error protection, the RSPs should have different system images.
When the factory sends you a new router with two RSP8s, you receive the same system image on both
RSPs. To configure the HSA feature for software error protection, you need two separate software
images on the RSPs. You copy a desired image to the active RSP card and modify the boot system
commands to reflect booting under two separate system images. Each RSP uses its own image to boot
the router when it becomes the active RSP.
To specify different startup images for the active and the standby RSPs, use the following commands in
beginning in privileged EXEC configuration mode:
Step 1
Router# dir {bootflash: | slot0: | slot1:}
Router# show {bootflash: | slot0: | slot1:}
Verifies the location and version of the active RSP
software image.
Step 2
Router# dir {slavebootflash: | slaveslot0: | slaveslot1:}
Router# show {slavebootflash: | slaveslot0: |
Determines whether the standby RSP contains the same
software image in the same location.
Step 3
Router# copy source {bootflash: | slot0: | slot1:}
Copies a different system image to the active RSP.
Step 4
Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.