Revised: April 7, 2014, OL-31788-01
This document describes how to install and uninstall the Policy Feature Card 4 (PFC4) and Policy Feature Card 4XL (PFC4XL) on
Cisco Supervisor Engine 2T.
Product Overview
Product numbers: VS-F6K-PFC4=, and VS-F6K-PFC4XL=.
Policy Feature Card 4 (VS-F6K-PFC4=) and Policy Feature Card 4XL (VS-F6K-PFC4XL=) can be installed on the following Cisco
Supervisor Engine 2T models:
Cisco Supervisor Engine 2T-10GE (model number VS-S2T-10G)
Shipped with factory-installed Policy Feature Card 4.
Cisco Supervisor Engine 2T-10GE (model number VS-S2T-10G-XL)
Shipped with factory-installed Policy Feature Card
To upgrade from VS-S2T-10G to VS-S2T-10G-XL, remove VS-F6K-PFC4= from the corresponding
supervisor engine and install VS-F6K-PFC4XL=.
Cisco Supervisor Engine 2T is shipped with a 2-GB DRAM module by default. Although not mandatory,
we recommend that you install a second 2-GB DRAM module when installing VS-F6K-PFC4XL=. For
installation instructions, see the
Installation Note for the Supervisor Engine 2T DRAM Memory
Safety Warnings
Safety warnings appear throughout this publication in procedures that may harm you if you perform them incorrectly. A warning
symbol precedes each warning statement. The warnings below are general warnings that are applicable to the entire publication.
This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you
work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with
standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of each warning
to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device.
Statement 1071
This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted access area can be accessed
only through the use of a special tool, lock and key or other means of security.
Statement 1017