PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Chapter 4 Configuring the PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter
Troubleshooting the PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Troubleshooting the PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter Installation
and Configuration
The following sections provide suggested guidelines for troubleshooting the PA-A2 ATM CES
port adapter. Use the ping command to verify network connectivity, the debug commands to help solve
network problems, and the show commands to display the current state of the network.
For more information about troubleshooting ATM port adapters and understanding the output from the
debug commands, refer to ATM Technical Tips on Cisco.com.
The following topics are covered within this section:
PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter Statistics, page 4-21
Using the debug atm Commands, page 4-22
Displaying ATM Information, page 4-23
PA-A2 ATM CES Port Adapter Statistics
The PA-A2 ATM CES port adapter maintains a count of certain errors and tracks the ATM controller
facility performance. In addition to keeping a count of these errors, the PA-A2 ATM CES port adapter
also takes snapshots of the last VCI/VPI that caused the error. Each PA-A2 ATM CES port adapter error
counter is made up of 16 bits. Errors counted include the following:
CRC errors
Giants received
No buffers available
Framing errors
Application layer or physical layer errors
Packet timeout errors on receive
The PA-A2 ATM CES port adapter provides port adapter-specific error statistics through the
show interfaces atm command.
For examples of the show interfaces atm command for all supported platforms, see the
“Using the
show interfaces Command” section on page 4-17
The show controllers atm command displays the ATM framing information and ATM facility
performance statistics. The statistics report section includes up to 96 15-minute interval reports, as well
as the current interval level. Only those intervals with non-zero data are displayed.
The following is an example of the show controllers atm command from a Cisco 7200 series router:
Router# show controllers atm 6/0
Interface ATM6/0 is up
Hardware is ENHANCED ATM PA Plus - OC3 (155000Kbps)
Framer is PMC PM5346 S/UNI-155-LITE, SAR is LSI ATMIZER II
Firmware rev: X101, Framer rev: 0, ATMIZER II rev: 4
idb=0x62EB7C74, ds=0x62EBF0A0, vc=0x62F41080
slot 6, unit 1, subunit 0, fci_type 0x03A7, ticks 9790