Configuring the Cisco NM-1A-T3/E3 Network Module
Restrictions for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T
SVCs, page 11
Customizing the ATM T3/E3 Network Module, page 15
Configuration Example, page 16
Recommendations for Watermark Settings, page 16
Additional References, page 19
Command Reference, page 21
Feature Information for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module, page 26
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines, page 6
Restrictions for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
The following restrictions apply to the Cisco ATM T3/E3 network module:
There is no default card type configuration on the ATM T3/E3 network module. You must configure
the ATM T3/E3 network module for T3 or E3 before it will work.
atm vc-per-vp
command is not supported on the ATM T3/E3 network module.
Information About the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
To configure the Cisco ATM T3/E3 network module, you should understand the following:
ATM, page 2
Permanent Virtual Circuits, page 3
Switched Virtual Circuits, page 3
Classes of Service, page 4
ATM is an International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications Standards Section (ITU-T)
standard for cell relay wherein information for multiple service types (such as voice, video, and data),
is conveyed in small, fixed-size (53-byte) cells via connection-oriented virtual circuits (VCs).
Virtual Circuits
A virtual circuit (VC) is a point-to-point connection between remote hosts and routers. A VC is
established for each ATM end node with which the router communicates. The characteristics of the VC
are established when the VC is created and include the following:
Classes of Service
ATM adaptation layer 5 (AAL5)
Encapsulation type:
Logical link control Subnetwork Address Protocol (AAL5SNAP)
Multiplexer (AAL5MUX)