Command or Action
Begins the bulk statistics data collection and transfer process for this
Step 11
For successful execution of this action, at least one schema with
non-zero number of objects must be configured.
Periodic collection and file transfer begins only if this command is
configured. Conversely, the
no enable
command stops the collection
process. A subsequent
starts the operations again.
Each time the collection process is started using the
command, data is collected into a new bulk statistics file. When
no enable
command is used, the transfer process for any
collected data immediately begins (in other words, the existing bulk
statistics file is transferred to the specified management station).
If the maximum buffer size for a bulk statistics file is reached before the
transfer interval time expires, the transfer operation is still initiated, but
commit minutes
retain 60
Step 12
any bulk statistics data received after the file was full, and before it was
transferred, are deleted. To correct this behavior, you can decrease the
polling frequency, or increase the size of the bulk statistics buffer.
retain 0
is configured, no retries are attempted. This is because the
interval between retries is the retain value divided by the retry value. For
example, if
retain 10
retry 2
are configured, retries are attempted
once every 5 minutes. Therefore, if you configure the retry command,
you should also configure an appropriate value for the retain command.
Periodic MIB Data Collection and Transfer: Example
This example shows how to configure periodic MIB data collection and transfer:
snmp-server mib bulkstat object-list cempo
add cempMemPoolName
add cempMemPoolType
snmp-server mib bulkstat schema cempWild
object-list cempo
instance wild oid 8695772
poll-interval 1
snmp-server mib bulkstat schema cempRepeat
object-list cempo
instance repetition 8695772.1 max 4294967295
poll-interval 1
snmp-server mib bulkstat transfer-id cempt1
url primary tftp://
schema cempWild
schema cempRepeat
transfer-interval 2
System Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5000 Series Routers, IOS XR Release 6.2.x
Configuring Periodic MIB Data Collection and Transfer
Periodic MIB Data Collection and Transfer: Example