Command or Action
schema TenGigE/0-CAR
schema TenGigE 0/5/0/11/1
(Optional) Specifies how often the bulk statistics file are transferred, in
minutes. The default value is once every 30 minutes. The transfer interval
is the same as the collection interval.
transfer-interval minutes
transfer-interval 20
Step 6
Specifies the network management system (host) that the bulk statistics
data file is transferred to, and the protocol to use for transfer. The
url primary url
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bulk-tr)# url
Step 7
destination is specified as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). FTP or
TFTP can be used for the bulk statistics file transfer.
(Optional) Specifies a backup transfer destination and protocol for use
in the event that transfer to the primary location fails. FTP or TFTP can
be used for the bulk statistics file transfer.
url secondary url
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bulk-tr)# url
Step 8
(Optional) Specifies the number of transmission retries. The default value
is 0 (in other words, no retries). If an attempt to send the bulk statistics
retry number
retry 1
Step 9
file fails, the system can be configured to attempt to send the file again
using this command.
One retry includes an attempt first to the primary destination then, if the
transmission fails, to the secondary location. For example, if the retry
value is 1, an attempt is made first to the primary URL, then to the
secondary URL, then to the primary URL again, then to the secondary
URL again. The valid range is from 0 to 100.
If all retries fail, the next normal transfer occurs after the configured
transfer-interval time.
(Optional) Specifies how long the bulk statistics file should be kept in
system memory, in minutes, after the completion of the collection interval
retain minutes
retain 60
Step 10
and a transmission attempt is made. The default value is 0. Zero (0)
indicates that the file is deleted immediately after the transfer is attempted.
The valid range is from 0 to 20000.
If the retry command is used, you should configure a retain
interval larger than 0. The interval between retries is the retain
interval divided by the retry number. For example, if
retain 10
retry 2
are configured, two retries are attempted once every
5 minutes. Therefore, if retain 0 is configured, no retries are
System Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5000 Series Routers, IOS XR Release 6.2.x
Configuring Periodic MIB Data Collection and Transfer
Configuring Bulk Statistics Transfer Options