• Site power planning must include the power requirements for any external terminals and test equipment
you will use with your system.
Be sure to review the safety warnings in the Cisco Network Convergence System
Regulatory Compliance
and Safety Information for the Cisco Network Convergence System 1004
before attempting to install the
Ground NCS 1004
This task provides the grounding details for the NCS 1004 chassis. In the installation of the chassis, ground
lug should be connected first.
There is one grounding point provided at the rear side of the NCS 1004 chassis. The following warning label
is affixed on the chassis.
High leakage current, earth connection essential before connecting supply.
When terminating the frame ground, do not use soldering lug connectors, screwless (push-in) connectors,
quick connect connectors, or other friction-fit connectors.
Step 1
Verify that the office ground cable is connected to the top of the rack and the office ground, according to local site practice.
Step 2
Remove any paint and other nonconductive coatings from the surfaces between the shelf ground and bay frame ground
point. Clean the mating surfaces and apply appropriate antioxidant compound to the bare conductors.
Step 3
Attach one end of the shelf ground cable (#6 AWG cable) to the ground point using the specified dual-hole lug connector.
Hardware Installation Guide for Cisco NCS 1004
Install Cisco NCS 1004
Ground NCS 1004