2-32 LightStream 2020 Installation Guide
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
If Your PC Has One 1.44-MB Floppy Disk Drive
To copy each LS2020 software distribution diskette, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Insert the first distribution (source) diskette into floppy disk drive A. (This procedure
assumes that you have configured your floppy disk as drive A.)
Step 2
Enter the following command at the DOS prompt:
diskcopy a: a: /v
Step 3
DOS reads the contents of the first source diskette into memory. When DOS prompts you
to do so, remove the first distribution diskette and insert a blank, formatted (destination)
diskette into floppy drive A.
Step 4
DOS copies the data from memory onto the backup (destination) diskette. When DOS
prompts you to do so, remove the first backup diskette and insert the next distribution
diskette in the series into floppy disk drive A.
Step 5
Alternate Step 3 and Step 4 in response to DOS prompts until you have copied the entire
set of distribution diskettes.