Task 2 Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP
About Using UCD-SNMP
Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
Step 6
Poll the interfaces table and redirect the output to a text file by entering the snmptable command and
ifTable OID:
onionring:~$ snmptable travis-nas-01.the.net 5urf5h0p interfaces.ifTable
> /export/home/www/travis-nas-01_ifTable.txt
Do not forget the space between > and /export
Step 7
Inspect the contents of the interfaces table by entering the cat command. In the following Cisco AS5800
example, notice the interface descriptions (ifDescr) and types (ifType). There is one PPP and DS0 entry
for each serial interface.
onionring:~$ cat /export/home/www/travis-nas-01_ifTable.txt
SNMP table: interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry
ifIndex ifDescr ifType ifMtu ifSpeed ........
1 "Async1/2/00" other 1500 9000
2 "Async1/2/01" other 1500 9000
3 "Async1/2/02" other 1500 9000
289 "FastEthernet0/0/0" ethernetCsmacd 1500 100000000
290 "Null0" other 1500 4294967295
291 "T1 1/0/0" ds1 ? ?
292 "T1 1/0/1" ds1 ? ?
301 "T1 1/0/10" ds1 ? ?
302 "T1 1/0/11" ds1 ? ?
303 "Serial1/0/0:0" propPointToPointSerial 1500 64000
304 "Serial1/0/0:1" propPointToPointSerial 1500 64000
326 "Serial1/0/0:23" lapd 1500 64000
327 "Serial1/0/0:23-Signaling" isdn 1500 64000
328 "Serial1/0/0:0-Bearer Channel" ds0 ? ?
329 "Serial1/0/0:1-Bearer Channel" ds0 ? ?
350 "Serial1/0/0:22-Bearer Channel" ds0 ? ?
351 "Loopback0" softwareLoopback 15144294967295
To view the complete, unabridged output for this example, go to