Cisco 6400 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Chapter 5
Maintaining the Cisco 6400
Installing or Replacing a Full-Height Node Line Card
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Installing a Full-Height NLC
To install a full-height NLC in the Cisco 6400 chassis:
Step 1
Remove the blank filler panel from the selected slot, if a blank panel is present.
Step 2
Hold the NLC module vertically, with the NLC faceplate toward you and the backplane connectors
away from you. Ensure that the module is right side up by noting the lettering on the faceplate.
Step 3
Carefully align the upper and lower edges of the NLC carrier with the upper and lower guides in the
shows how to insert a module in the chassis.
Osynlig laserstrålning när denna del är öppen och förregleringen är urkopplad. Rikta inte blicken
in mot strålen.
Alleviates ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle. Äjä katso