Cisco 6400 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Chapter 5
Maintaining the Cisco 6400
Replacing an NRP Module
Installing the NRP-1 Module SIMM
To replace the SIMM:
Step 1
Keep the NRP in the same orientation as in the previous procedure (with the handle facing away and the
edge connector toward you).
Step 2
Remove a new SIMM from the antistatic bag.
Handle SIMMs by the card edges only. SIMMs are sensitive components that can short out if
Step 3
Hold the SIMM component side up with the connector edge (the metal fingers) closest to you.
Step 4
Hold the sides of the SIMM between your thumb and middle finger, with your forefinger against the far
edge, opposite the connector edge.
Step 5
Tilt the SIMM to approximately the same angle as the socket, and insert the entire connector edge into
the socket. If you are installing the DRAM SIMMs, insert the first DRAM SIMM in the socket farther
from you.
When inserting SIMMs, use firm but not excessive pressure. If you damage a socket, you must return
the NRP to the factory for repair.
Step 6
Gently push the SIMM into the socket until the spring clips snap over the ends of the SIMM. If necessary,
rock the SIMM gently back and forth to seat it properly.
Step 7
Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each remaining new SIMM.
Step 8
For each SIMM you installed, check both alignment holes and ensure that each spring retainer is visible.
If it is not, the SIMM is not seated properly. If a SIMM appears misaligned, carefully remove it and
reseat it in the socket. Push the SIMM firmly back into the socket until the retainer springs snap into
Verifying SIMM Operation
If the system fails to boot properly, or if the console terminal displays a checksum or memory error,
check the following:
Ensure that all SIMMs are installed correctly. Check the SIMMs by looking straight down on them
and then observe them at eye level. The SIMMs should both be aligned at the same angle and should
be at the same height. If a SIMM appears to stick out or rests in the socket at an angle different from
the others, remove the SIMM and reinsert it. Reinstall the NRP module and reboot the system for
another installation check.
Ensure that the DRAM SIMMs are the same size and speed.
If the system fails to restart properly after several attempts, contact a service representative for
assistance. Before you contact Cisco Systems, make note of any error messages, unusual LED states, or
any other indications that might help identify the problem.