maintenance personnel.
• The equipment is subject to installation and maintenance by specialists with the appropriate qualifications, sufficient
specialized knowledge, and skills.
• Rules and conditions for the sale of equipment are determined by the terms of contracts concluded by Cisco or
authorized Cisco partners with equipment buyers.
• Disposal of a technical device at the end of its service life should be carried out in accordance with the requirements
of all state regulations and laws.
• Do not throw in the device with household waste. The technical equipment is subject to storage and disposal in
accordance with the organization's disposal procedure.
• The equipment should be stored in its original packaging in a room protected from atmospheric precipitation. The
permissible temperature and humidity ranges during storage are specified in the Operation (Installation) Manual.
• Transportation of equipment should be carried out in the original packaging in covered vehicles by any means of
transport. The temperature and humidity during transportation must comply with the permissible established ranges
of temperature and humidity during storage (in the off state) specified in the Operation Manual (Installation).
For additional information on Meraki hardware and for other installation guides, please refer to