Demand Control
This device has two operation modes
in order to getting the relays control:
, for
Thermal, Block demand pulse and Block
demand Time operation modes.
, for Block demand
pulse and Block demand Time operation
If the option of
been chosen, we will program the value
for each one of the relays that we want to
disconnect its load when the demand
value exceeds it. In this option, we will be
able to introduce delays in the relay's
disconnection, in the connection,
hysteresy, latch option, failure security...
for each of the programmed loads.
-Control by level
-Predictive control
control by level
Variables to visualize
The DH96-CPP is based on a
microprocessor, that calculates from KYZ
pulses the following parameters:
(kW), in any of the 4
calculation programmable modes
, it is the
maximum value of the demand it has been
, it is
the average of demands reached inthe
last 32 integration periods.
This value is visualized for the
synchronised operation modes only. For a
15 minutes of integration period it will be
the average of the lat 8 hours.
. It exists three
totalizers than can count up to
999,999,999 Wh.
Energy demand
Peak value of the demand
Medium value of the demand
Consumed Wh
In the
, connection
and disconnection of the loads will be
made by means of one algorithm that
optimises the number of manoeuvres and
guarantees the contracted power cannot
be exceeded, provided that the
programmed values are the ones that
really are in the installation. In order to
achieve this, we must program the
contracted power from the utility and the
individual power of each load that we will
link to the
If the 4 existing relays are not used, the
4 relay acts like an alarm, it activates itself
w h e n
a l l
t h e
l o a d s
h a v e
b e e n
predictive control
Peak and medium demand values as
well as the
totalizers are saved in a
memory, that can be
displayed whenever it is required,
avoiding the lost of the same if the
auxiliary supply drops. This system does
not require any maintenance.
totalizers, medium and peak
values, can be reseted whenever it is
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Demand control, Variables to visualize